Britannica Library: Children
Children can search for information or browse topics on the animal kingdom and geography. Available remotely.
Children can search for information or browse topics on the animal kingdom and geography. Available remotely.
Highly visual, guided research tools for students in kindergarten through grade 5. Provided by Find It Virginia. Available remotely.
A unique live tutoring, homework help, and studying resource designed to help all ages succeed. Includes college entrance and ASVAB test prep, AP exam prep, language and writing lab, live FAFSA help, resume prep, and much more. Learn more here.
Provides access to over 11,000 streaming videos for children. Provided by Find It Virginia. Available remotely.
Subjects include ABCs & 123s, Arts & Music, Health & PE, History, Math, People & Places, Reading & Writing, Sciences, TV Shows & Movies, and World Languages. You can find videos produced by the Jim Henson Company, PBS, Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street, Weston Woods, and more.
Create a free personal account to create and customize playlists, save favorites, sign up for newsletters based on your interests, and take advantage of other features.
Thoughtful entertainment for children aged preschool and up. Parents and caregivers can stream videos from a curated selection of educational and enriching videos on Kanopy Kids with developmentally appropriate, age-based ratings from Common Sense Media, as well as additional parental controls to help keep kids safe. Read more here.
Explore 10,721 species from 249 bird families, living in habitats around the world. View image and video galleries showing behaviors, habitat, nests, eggs and nestlings, and listen to recordings of bird songs and calls. From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Available remotely.
This resource supports a wide range of students, from middle and high school to college, as well independent researchers and anyone interested in learning more about the ongoing Black Freedom Struggle. Available remotely.
ProQuest's new Black Freedom Struggle website, opens a new window features expertly selected open primary source documents. Visitors will find historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, correspondence and more from specific time periods in U.S. history marked by the opposition African Americans have faced on the road to freedom.
The content is curated around six time periods:
Sources within the Young Adult and Reference Section include: Articles, Images and Videos, Biographies, Science in Pictures, Compare Countries, World Atlas, Recommended Primary Sources, and News of the Day. Available remotely.
Database tip: Check out the Research Tools and Materials section, located on the horizontal menu bar, for help with planning and conducting research, writing book reviews, creating oral presentations, writing research papers, and setting down a science report.
EBSCO’s Explora Public Libraries is a user-friendly search tool that supports both research and instruction, and searches a comprehensive collection of full-text general interest articles from periodicals, newspapers, and books. This authoritative general information database is the best place to start your research project. Provided by Find it Virginia. Available remotely.
Search for people by name, birth or death year, nationality, ethnicity, occupation, or gender. Available remotely.
Academic journal articles covering most disciplines, including arts, history, humanities, science, medicine, and law. Available remotely.
Browse these staff-suggested resources about various degrees of science and keep up with the latest science-related trends.
Un sistema de aprendizaje accesible en línea que puede asistir en aprendiendo otros idiomas lo cual incluye un módulo de aprendizaje para hispanohablantes quienes están aprendiendo el inglés como segundo idioma. Disponible a través de nuestra aplicación móvil.
An online language learning system that can help you learn languages such as French, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Russian, and many more.
First time user? Access Mango Languages with your library barcode or username and 4-digit PIN. Then "Sign Up" for a free account. Once you've created a free account, you can go directly to, opens a new window or Mango's mobile app to sign in to the account you created.
Language learners can build vocabulary, practice skills, and maintain what they have learned with Transparent Language Online, available anytime, anywhere in 110+ languages.
Also includes an American citizenship test prep course, as well as "KidSpeak" --immersive, animation-based language instruction in 6 different languages for children K-2.
Supports both student research and classroom instruction. For Grades 6-12. Provided by Find it Virginia. Available remotely.
A unique live tutoring, homework help, and studying resource designed to help all ages succeed. Includes college entrance and ASVAB test prep, AP exam prep, language and writing lab, live FAFSA help, resume prep, and much more. Learn more here.
Adapted reading material on a variety of topics designed for middle school, high school, English language learners, and individuals with a basic foundation in English grammar and reading. Provided by Find it Virginia. Available remotely.
Browse these staff-suggested resources about various degrees of science and keep up with the latest science-related trends.
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