Meeting Room Policy
Designated library meeting rooms are available to non-profit gatherings of educational, civic, cultural, charitable, and governmental groups and organizations, artistic performances and community members on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliation of the individual or groups requesting use. The Library makes these facilities available to promote cultural and educational opportunities and to promote an open exchange of ideas in the community. The fact that a group is permitted to use a room does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the Library of the group's policies or beliefs. All meetings and events held in our meeting rooms are open to the general public.
The Library strives to comply with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act by making all buildings, classes and events accessible. If any aids are needed, groups must make arrangements with CRRL in advance of any scheduled meeting.
Programs and projects sponsored by the Library, Library Board or the Friends of Central Rappahannock Regional Library for the benefit of the Library will have first priority. The library reserves the right to change or cancel a reservation if circumstances demand.
Rooms are not available for commercial profit-making purposes and events, private parties, or where, in the judgment of the Library Director, disorder is likely to occur. The rooms are available for non-profit fundraising programs with permission from the Library Director.
Tuition and fees may be charged for classes sponsored by an accredited educational facility. Fees to cover the cost of materials and supplies may be charged by other public agencies with the permission of the Library Director. No admission may be charged for performances without permission from the Library Director.
The meeting rooms are available for use during those hours the Library is open. Special arrangements may be made for after-hours use of the theater at the Fredericksburg Branch. No fee will be charged for use of the room. Bookings are made on a first-come, first-served basis.
Confirmation of a room reservation by a group or individual indicates the individual/group's willingness to abide by Library policies and procedures and, if violated, could result in denial of room use. Individuals and/or organizations agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Central Rappahannock Regional Library from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising out of or in connection with an individual’s or organization's use of the facility.
The Library reserves the right to limit a group's regular use of a room to once a month in order to accommodate the needs of other groups. The Library reserves the right to dismiss a group from the room and from further use of the room for disorderly conduct or for failing to adhere to room use policies and regulations.
Privileges And Responsibilities
Depending on the nature of the activity, CRRL may require a current Certificate of Insurance (COI). CRRL will notify individual organizations of any such requirements.
Food and drinks may be served. If alcoholic beverages are planned, the required state permit must be procured and displayed during the meeting/event.
The Library will provide equitable access to and use of such library-owned equipment and cleaning supplies as are available for use by the public.
The group is responsible for leaving the room in the condition in which it was found. If a group fails to return a room to the condition in which it was found, the Library reserves the right to charge a clean-up fee.
Each group is responsible for clean-up and disposal of all food remains after the meeting. If an event is catered, it is the group’s responsibility to assure that the caterers promptly remove all food and restore the room to its appropriate condition. Groups are financially responsible for any damages to the premises or furniture incurred during use of the room.
The Library cannot assume responsibility for private property brought into the building.
The Library must be notified 48 hours in advance of cancellations so that rooms can be made available to other groups and failure to do so could result in future reservations being canceled.
During adverse weather conditions, groups should check local resources, including the Library’s website, for closing information. All meetings scheduled during the closed times at any library outlet are canceled. In other emergencies, all efforts will be made to notify organizations scheduled to use the meeting rooms.