Launch It! Trebuchet Contest

What Is It?

An epic trebuchet launch-off for the ages! Trebuchets built by teams to the size specifications below will take turns competing in challenges of:

  • Distance (how far can you launch it?)
  • Accuracy (how close can you get to the target?)
  • Design (how pretty/impressive is your build?)

The judges will tally scores and award prizes for the challenges in each class.

When: Saturday, October 5th

  • Registration for the Page Class begins at 9:30am, and the competition begins at 10:00am.
  • Registration for Squire Class begins at 10:00am, and the competition begins at 10:30am.
  • Registration for Knight Class begins at 10:30am, and the competition begins at 11:00am.

Who: All ages, pre-K to adults

Spectators welcome (bring your folding chairs)!

Where: Gayle Middle School Athletic Field

100 Panther Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Page Class

  • Designed for Pre-K to 5th grade (adult “assistants” are allowed)
  • Dimensions may not exceed 15 ” x 15” x 15”
  • Ammunition (25 mm super balls) will be provided at the competition

Squire Class

  • Designed for 6th-12th grade
    • Note: Younger teams whose trebuchet fits the dimensions can register as Squire
  • Dimensions between 15.1” x 15.1” x 15.1” and 30” x 30” x 30”
  • Ammunition (45 mm super balls) will be provided at the competition

Knight Class

  • Designed for adult teams (including college age)
  • Note: younger teams whose trebuchet fits the dimensions can register as Knight
  • Dimensions between 30.1” x 30.1” x 30.1” and 45” x 45” x 45”
  • Ammunition (standard golf balls) will be provided at the competition


No trebuchet may be larger than 45” x 45” x 45”.

All trebuchets must be propelled SOLELY by gravity (no springs, no elastics, no compressed air or water, no explosives, etc.).

Judges are the final arbiters on safety and classification.

What exactly is a Trebuchet?

A trebuchet, for those not familiar with the term, was a popular element in medieval siege warfare. Trebuchets hurled missiles at town walls and castle defenses, with the aim of knocking holes large enough to let the invaders come through. They were often given names, a tradition we carry on in this competition.

Unlike a catapult, a trebuchet uses weight instead of tension on a cord to throw its load. A cord or rope can only stretch so far, but there isn't a practical limit on how heavy weight can be, so trebuchets were usually much more powerful than catapults.

The 2023 Competition Results

2023 Children's Distance Competition Winners

1st Place: Sarah, with her Trebuchet Odin the Destroyer.
2nd Place: Conley, with his Trebuchet Injured Metallic Duck
3rd place: Michael with his Trebuchet Flop

2023 Children's Design Competition Winners

1st Place: Sarah, with her Trebuchet Odin the Destroyer
2nd Place: Michael with his Trebuchet Flop
3rd place: Conley, with his Trebuchet Injured Metallic Duck

2023 Adult Distance Competition Winners

1st Place: Glenn LeCoutor with his trebuchet Leapy
2nd Place: Alex Nunally with The Machine
3rd Place: John Sweton with Raul Gillette
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