If you enjoy bird watching, exploring nature, learning more about insects and animals, or taking hikes in the forest, then our Adventure Packs are for you!
Each pack includes fact books and tools to help you carry out your real-life adventure. Go exploring today!
Adventure Packs were created in a partnership with The Community Foundation, Stafford 350, and Friends of the Rappahannock.
Nature Packs
Explore and see how different animals adapt to their habitat in order to find food and protect themselves.
With these field guides for birds, butterflies and urban animals, you'll find plenty of wildlife in your own backyard.
Observe butterflies up close, learning how they live and grow, with this backpack dedicated to these beautiful insects.
Go on an "insect safari" using bug boxes and a magnifying glass to see insects and spiders up close, and find out the differences between them.
By digging and composting, you can learn how soil is just as important to nature as animals and plants are.
Learn to identify the birds of Virginia by sight and sound.
Learn about the practice of Geocaching and discover wonders with high tech.
Discover the art of animal tracking, identify animal "scat", and learn about all the ways our warm-blooded brethren live in the wild.
Night time is the right time! Keep a moon journal, go on a night hike, and make up your very own constellation.
Use tracks, scat, and leaves as your clues to figure out what plants and animals are around.
Listen to frogs and toads, go on a tadpole hunt, and make a snake out of a paper plate.
Go on a river investigation hike, learn about the river animals, and find out how to keep the river clean and healthy.
Nature rocks! Look for rocks and minerals, find your favorite rock, and learn about the rock cycle using this backpack.