Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is a time to celebrate and explore the contributions and influence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States. Explore our resources.
Asian American & Pacific Islander Month (AAPI) for All Ages
New Asian American & Pacific Islander Fiction
Picks for Asian American & Pacific Islander Month
Asian American & Pacific Islander Month (AAPI) for All Ages
New Asian American & Pacific Islander Fiction
Picks for Asian American & Pacific Islander Month
AAPI Lists for Children & Teens
APALA Picture Book Winners
Picture Books for Asian American and Pacific Islander Month
For Teens: Asian American & Pacific Islander Month (AAPI)
Chapter Books for Asian American & Pacific Islander Month
AAPI Features/Resources
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center
Fabulous Friday: World of Dog Man
Learn an Asian Language
Mango Languages and Transparent Language has plenty of Asian language options for you to learn! You must have your library card to begin using.
Mango Languages
Mango Languages
Asian/Pacific American Libraries Association Book Reviews
APALA reviews books that are by Asian American and Pacific Islander American authors, and which tell diasporic Asian American and Pacific Islander stories.
Asian/Pacific American Libraries Association Literature Awards
The Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature honores and recognizes individual work about Asian/Pacific Americans and their heritage, based on literary and artistic merit.
Each award is given the award seal during the annual APALA Literature Award Ceremony.